How to stretch

Why to stretch

If you train

Stretching training gives the body flexibility and significantly reduces the risk of injury.

Tendons, ligaments and joints are involved in muscle interaction and the skeletal system during exercise. Stretching gives flexibility to the whole body. Enhanced and flexible ligaments, tendons and muscles increase the power – it is possible to perform more dynamic, powerful moves with greater load without risk of injury.

If you train for strength and don’t want to become stiff

After an intense workout, working muscles tense and contract. Regular, heavy exercises cause that the muscles stiffen and shorten, resulting in a limitation of the entire body’s locomotive scope. Growth of the muscles without stretching can cause pressure on the nerves and slow the flow of nerve impulses, and sometimes even their blockade.

Regular trainings without stretching can lead to a permanent feeling of tension in your body, loss of energy, feeling of fatigue as well as muscle and joint pains.

If you want to reduce tension caused by stress

Muscle tension also appears as a reaction to stress. This causes fatigue and irritability.

Stretching can relieve tension, relax the muscles, and thus reduce the level of stress. It reduces muscle pain, back and neck pain and improves the mood.

If you want to be fit in old age

Unstretched muscles cause rapid wear of the joints, leading to a variety of degenerations and other risks. If you want to stay fit for a long time, stretching should be an important part of your day.

In conclusion, stretching:

  • increases blood flow to the muscles,
  • increase the range of motion of muscles,
  • increases joint mobility,
  • relaxes the muscles, which results in better mental health,
  • results in faster muscle recovery after exercise,
  • reduces the amount of lactic acid in the muscles,
  • strengthens and relaxes the ligaments and tendons,
  • improves posture,
  • Reduces the risk of injury.